Bohun, Sean (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Title: Rapid Computation of Thermal Stess in Crystals with Facets and Allowing for Material Anisotropy
Crabtree, David (Precision Metrology Institute)
Title: Are Foresight and Mathematics Ready for Each Other?
Davison, Matt Part 1, 2, 3 (University of Western Ontario)
Title: Industrial Mathematics: One Canadian Perspective
Kranakis, Evangelos (Carleton University)
Title: Local Computation and Global Communication in Ad Hoc Networks
Lewis, Greg (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
Title: An Application of Numerical Bifurcation Analysis
Marsh, Rebeccah (MITACS)
Title: Virtual Organ Models For Drug Transport and Metabolism
Miura, Robert (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Title: Modeling Cortical Spreading Depression
Qazi, Sanjive (Parker Hughes Cancer Center)
Title: Processing of Physiological Signals by Biochemical Systems: Emergence of High Frequency Waves from Low Frequency Inputs in Brain Receptors
Reidys, Christian (Nankai University)
Title: Combinatorics of Biomolecules
Zhao, Yiqiang (Carleton University)
Title: Light Tailed Behaviour and Decay Rate for a General Type of Two-Dimensional Random
Walk with Complex Boundaries