2025 BIRS program in Banff, Oaxaca, Hangzhou, Chennai and Granada: Call for proposals - Deadline September 15, 2023

Posted on Tue, Jun 13 2023 09:27:00

La version française suit ci-dessous.

La versión en español sigue abajo.


The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) is accepting proposals for its 2025 program. The proposal submission deadline for 5-day workshops is Friday, September 15, 2023.

In 2025, BIRS will be hosting a 48-week scientific program at its station in Banff. At least 45 additional workshops are anticipated at its affiliated stations:

20 at Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO) in Mexico,

10 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) in Hangzhou, China,

5 at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada (IMAG), Spain,

10 at the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) in India.

BIRS provides an environment for creative interaction and the exchange of ideas and knowledge in the mathematical, statistical, and computing sciences. It seeks to advance research frontiers and facilitate connections between related disciplines and industrial sectors. BIRS and its affiliated facilities offer full accommodation, board, and research facilities at no cost to the invited in-person attendees.

Proposed programs should aim to engage with diverse mathematical communities, in particular those that are geographically close to the locations of the proposed program, and pay special attention to training and mentorship of junior researchers. Applicants are asked to take into consideration BIRS's commitment to increasing the participation of women and other under-represented minorities in mathematical sciences.

In addition to 5-day workshops, BIRS provides many other opportunities for research, knowledge dissemination and career progress; it hosts Summer Schools, Hybrid Thematic Programs, BIRS Now! events, Focused Research Groups and Research in Teams. Full information about BIRS programs can be found here:


Proposal submission guidelines are available at:


Proposals for projects other than 5-day workshops can be submitted at any time and are processed based on availability of resources. These proposals must be received at least 6 months before their requested start date.

All proposal submissions must be made using the online submission form at:



Malabika Pramanik
Director, BIRS

La version française

Appel de propositions pour le programme BIRS 2025

Le Centre International de Recherches pour les Innovations et Découvertes en Mathématiques (BIRS) accepte des propositions pour son programme 2025.La date limite pour les soumissions pour les ateliers de 5 jours c’est le vendredi le 15 septembre 2023.

En 2025, BIRS accueillera de nouveau un programme scientifique d’une durée de 48 semaines dans sa centrale à Banff et au moins 20 ateliers dans sa succursale affiliée à ‘’Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO)’’ au Mexique. De plus, 10 ateliers sont prévus à l’Institut des Études Avancées en Mathématiques (IASM) à Hangzhou en Chine, 5 ateliers à l’Institut de Mathématiques de l’Université de Granada (IMAG) en Espagne et 10 ateliers se dérouleront au nouveau centre BIRS à l’Institut de Mathématiques de Chennai (CMI) en Inde.

BIRS offre un environnement propice à la création interactive et à l’échange des idées et des connaissances dans le domaine des sciences mathématiques, statistiques, et de l’informatique. Le centre cherche à avancer la recherche et à faciliter la connection entre les domaines connexes et les secteurs industriels. BIRS et ses centres affiliés offrent de l'hébergement en pension complète ainsi que des établissements et des équipements dediés à la recherche, le tout sans frais pour les paricipants au programme.

Les programmes offerts auront comme objectif de venir en contact avec une multitude de communautées mathématiques, surtout celles qui sont physiquement proches des centres organisateurs, et d’accorder une attention particulière à la formation et au parrainage des jeunes chercheurs. Les candidats sont invités de tenir compte de l’engagement de BIRS envers l’augmentation de la participation des femmes et des minorités sous-représentées dans le domaine des sciences mathématiques.

Parallèlement aux ateliers de 5 jours, BIRS donnera des cours d’été, des Programmes Thématiques Hybrides, BIRS Now!, des Groupes de Recherches Ciblés, des Recherches par Équipes, des Suivis de Groupe, et offre beaucoup d’autres opportunités de recherche, de diffusion des connaissances, et d’avancement professionnel. Des renseignements complets sur les programmes BIRS sont disponibles ici:

Des recommendations pour la soumission des demandes peuvent être consultées ici:

Les propositions pour les autres projets que les ateliers de 5 jours peuvent être soumises en tout temps et seront traitées selon la disponibilité de nos ressources. Ces propositions doivent être reçues au moins 6 mois avant la date de début établie.

Toutes les soumissions doivent être faites en utilisant le formulaire en ligne disponible ci-dessus:


Malabika Pramanik
Directeur du BIRS.

La versión en español

La Estación de Investigación Internacional de Banff para la Innovación y el Descubrimiento Matemático (BIRS) está aceptando propuestas para su programa del 2025. La fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas para los talleres de 5 días es el viernes 15 de septiembre de 2023.

En el 2025, BIRS organizará un programa científico de 48 semanas en su estación de Banff. Se prevén al menos 45 talleres adicionales en sus estaciones afiliadas:

20 en Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO) en México.

10 en el Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Matemáticas (IASM) en Hangzhou, China.

5 en el Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Granada (IMAG), España.

10 en el Instituto Matemático de Chennai (CMI) en India.

BIRS proporciona un entorno para la interacción creativa y el intercambio de ideas y conocimientos en las ciencias matemáticas, estadísticas e informáticas. Busca avanzar en las fronteras de la investigación y facilitar las conexiones entre disciplinas afines y sectores industriales. BIRS y sus estaciones afiliadas ofrecen alojamiento completo, alimentación e instalaciones de investigación sin costo alguno para los asistentes invitados en persona.

Los programas propuestos deben tener como objetivo interactuar con diversas comunidades matemáticas, en particular aquellas que están geográficamente cerca de las ubicaciones del programa propuesto, y prestar especial atención a la capacitación y tutoría de investigadores jóvenes. Se pide a los solicitantes que tengan en cuenta el compromiso de BIRS de aumentar la participación de las mujeres y otras minorías subrepresentadas en las ciencias matemáticas.

Además de los talleres de 5 días, BIRS brinda muchas otras oportunidades para la investigación, la difusión del conocimiento y el progreso profesional; alberga escuelas de verano, programas temáticos híbridos, BIRS Now! eventos, Grupos de Investigación Focalizados e Investigación en Equipos. Puede encontrar información completa sobre los programas BIRS aquí:

Las pautas para la presentación de propuestas están disponibles en:

Las propuestas de proyectos que no sean talleres de 5 días se pueden enviar en cualquier momento y se procesan según la disponibilidad de recursos. Estas propuestas deben recibirse al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de inicio solicitada.

Todas las presentaciones de propuestas deben realizarse utilizando el formulario de presentación en línea en:


Malabika Pramanik
Directora de BIRS


班夫国际数学创新与探索研究站(BIRS)现正式接受2025年学术活动的提案申请。5天研讨会(5-day workshops)提案的提交截止日期为2023年9月15日(星期五)。


墨西哥的Casa Matemética Oaxaca (CMO)将举办20个研讨会,






除为期 5 天的研讨会外,BIRS 还举办暑期学校、混合制专题项目 (Hybrid Thematic Program)、BIRS Now!项目、重点研究小组、团队研究、小组后续活动,并为研究、知识传播和职业发展提供许多其他机会。更多BIRS 相关学术活动的完整信息详见:


除为期5 天的研讨会外,项目提案可以随时提交,根据可用资源受理。 提案须在要求的开始日期前至少 6 个月提交。



Malabika Pramanik
主任, 班夫国际数学创新与探索研究站

2024 BIRS program in Banff, Oaxaca, Kelowna, Hangzhou and Granada

Posted on Fri, Feb 03 2023 16:58:00
Workshops at BIRS (Banff) in 2024


Workshops at CMO (Oaxaca) in 2024


Workshops at UBC-Okanagan (Kelowna) in 2024


Workshops at IASM (Hangzhou) in 2024


Workshops at IMAG (Granada) in 2024


PIMS/BIRS Team Up! Pathways to Inclusive Research

Posted on Tue, Oct 11 2022 10:03:00

The PIMS/BIRS Team Up! program provides opportunities for in-person collaboration to teams of mathematical scientists, targeting researchers whose research program may have been disproportionately affected by various obstacles like family obligations, professional isolation, access to funding, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes, but need not be limited to, women, gender-expansive, and minoritized groups, Indigenous scholars, individuals with visible/invisible challenges and early-career researchers with limited resources.

Successful applicants will receive lodging and meals (subject to availability) at either the Banff or Kelowna BIRS site, as well as reasonable reimbursement for travel expenses. A key goal of this program is for researchers with caregiving responsibilities to participate fully in its scientific activities. To this end, support may also be offered in the form of lodging and reimbursement of travel expenses for children accompanying the member, as well as lodging and travel expenses for a caregiver.

Program Details and Eligibility

To participate in Team Up! Applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Groups of two to six mathematicians with partial results on an established project or a clear plan for a proposed project.
  • Each member of the group must have a Ph.D. in mathematics or a related area or advanced graduate standing.
  • At least one team member with a Ph.D. must be based at a PIMS Member or PIMS Affiliated institution.
  • Each group must apply to be in residence at a designated BIRS venue (Banff or Kelowna) for two weeks.
  • All members of the group must be in residence for the full duration of the visit.
  • Applicants may only apply as a member of one research group.

Application Process

One person from each group should complete the application form linked below. That form will ask for details of your existing collaboration, including:

  • A brief history of the collaboration
  • The context, description, and goals of the research problems to be addressed
  • Timeliness and novelty of the proposed research
  • Partial results obtained (if any)
  • A timeline for the project, describing how the group plans to pursue this project before, during and after the residence
  • A selection of preferred (and impossible) dates for your residence

In addition to these project details, you will be asked to provide contact details for the members of the collaboration. All members will be contacted (automatically, by email) and asked to complete a second form to capture their demographic and biographical information. Specifically, we will be asking for:

  • A statement summarizing the applicants' current challenges and their request for resources to address these.
  • A list of all members on the research team, including home institution, citizenship, year of Ph.D., current position, as well as demographic details
  • A brief biographical sketch for each of the team members
  • The Anticipated impact of the proposed collaboration on the applicants' career
  • Details of any existing support from PIMS or BIRS provided to the applicant.

Completion of the second survey by all members of your collaboration is required for the application to be considered complete.


We are currently accepting applications for residences in the period September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024. Complete applications (including demographic information for all collaboration members) must be received by April 15, 2023(extended deadline). Successful applicants will be notified early the following June. If you have any questions about this program or your application, please contact [email protected].

Banff International Research Station centre at the Chennai Mathematical Institute, India

Posted on Tue, Sep 27 2022 12:15:00

The Banff International Research Station (BIRS) is proud to announce a new partnership with Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) in Chennai, India. As the first South Asian centre for BIRS, CMI will join IMAG-Granada in Spain, CMO-Oaxaca in Mexico, IASM-Hangzhou in China, and BIRS-UBCO in Canada as a BIRS-affiliate centre. More information about CMI is available at https://www.cmi.ac.in

CMI is a rare example of a public-private partnership, where outstanding undergraduate and graduate-level education is complemented by world-class research in mathematics, theoretical computer science and theoretical physics. The BIRS-CMI partnership dovetails perfectly with a major new CMI initiative, the Dr. F.C. Kohli Centre of Excellence. The Kohli Centre has already been inaugurated and will soon be housed in a new facility within walking distance of the main campus. The BIRS-CMI collaboration will promote research and innovation through a vigorous visitor program at this centre.

Chennai, located on the southeastern coast of India, is a premier educational hub with a strong research presence in the mathematical sciences, both historical and current. Chennai has developed as a major centre for information technology, health care and manufacturing. At the same time, it retains a rich tradition in music and art, spanning millennia. Chennai serves as a base to explore southern India, home to many spectacular monolithic temples. Two well-known nearby attractions are Mahabalipuram and Kanchipuram.

The full CMI opportunities will be made available through the BIRS call for proposals that will be issued in 2023 for the 2025 program. However, we are currently planning a BIRS-CMI pilot program to be hosted in Chennai as early as 2024, and the BIRS Scientific Board will consider a limited number of workshop proposals for the 2024 calendar year. Please write to ([email protected]) if you are interested in developing such a workshop.

Information about 2024 pilot program

CMI will host up to 4 workshops (each 5 days) in 2024 as part of the pilot program. Workshops will be held during January to March, and September to December, which provides the best weather conditions for such events.

Areas of interest

CMI's existing research groups work in mathematics, theoretical computer science and theoretical physics. The current areas of interest are:

  • Mathematics: number theory, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups, representation theory, graph theory, algebraic topology, functional analysis, data science
  • Computer Science: algorithms, complexity theory, formal verification, logic, automata theory, machine learning
  • Physics: gravitational waves, string theory, quantum field theory, nonlinear dynamical systems, open quantum systems

BIRS-CMI welcomes proposals aligned with these topics, as well as allied areas such as algebraic combinatorics, mathematics of industrial design and manufacturing, quantum computing, cryptography and explainable AI.

Remembering Doug Mitchell, Chair of the BIRS Board

Posted on Fri, Jul 22 2022 09:01:00

The BIRS community mourns the passing of the chairman of its Board, Doug Mitchell. Doug was a philanthropist, athlete, sports leader, lawyer and a long-term champion of BIRS. His inspiring leadership guided BIRS through its milestones over the last decade. Our deepest condolences go out to his family and friends.



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