Career & Innovation Hub

Posted on Fri, Oct 02 2020 09:34:00

The Banff International Research Station (BIRS) is proud to host the Career & Innovation Hub in partnership with Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS), Canadian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIMS), Data Science Nexus, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Manitoba and the University of New Brunswick. The program will run from October 16, 2020 to March 2021.

The Career & Innovation Hub is a series of themed online monthly seminars and workshops culminating in a three-day virtual career fair in March. The program is aimed towards bringing our upcoming math science workforce together with science and technology companies in emerging fields. Students will learn how their expertise is suited to today’s job market and what employers are seeking when hiring employees with mathematical, statistical, and computational backgrounds. 

Each month’s event will be based on a subject of interest in the current hiring landscape, featuring talks from industry and academic leaders. Participants will have opportunities to interact with the speakers in Q&A/workshop settings. 

Events are free but registration is mandatory due to space constraints. Please visit the Career & Innovation Hub website to register.

2022 BIRS program in Banff, Oaxaca, and Hangzhou: Call for proposals - Deadline October 2, 2020

Posted on Wed, Jul 15 2020 11:16:00

La version française suit ci-dessous.  La versión en español sigue abajo. 中文译本如下.

The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) is accepting proposals for its 2022 program. The deadline for proposal submission is Friday, October 2, 2020.

In 2022, BIRS will again be hosting a 48-week scientific program at its station in Banff, 26 workshops at its affiliated station, Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO), in Mexico, in addition to the 10 workshops at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) in Hangzhou, China.

BIRS provides an environment for creative interaction and the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and methods within the mathematical, statistical, and computing sciences, and with related disciplines and industrial sectors. BIRS and its affiliated facilities offer full accommodation, board, and research facilities at no cost to the invited in-person attendees.

Organizers of the 2020 program workshops in Banff, Oaxaca, and Hangzhou, which had to be canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are required to update their proposals within the same timeframe above in order to be taken into account for the 2022 calendar and beyond.

BIRS is aware of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individual research programs, and especially on early-career researchers. We are committed to supporting graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior researchers during this difficult period. The BIRS scientific board welcomes suggestions on how best we can meet the needs of the research community in view of the new challenges. Applicants are also asked to take into consideration BIRS's commitment to increasing the participation of women and other underrepresented groups in the mathematical sciences research and applications.

The deadline for 5-day Workshop and Summer School proposals is Friday, October 2, 2020.

Full information and updated proposal submission guidelines will be available at:

In addition, BIRS will operate its Research in Teams and Focused Research Group programs, which allow smaller groups of researchers to get together for several weeks of uninterrupted work at the station. October 2, 2020, is also the preferred date to apply for these programs. However, proposals for projects involving Research in Teams or Focused Research Groups can be submitted at any time and are processed subject to availability. These proposals must be received at least 4 months before their requested start date.

All proposal submissions must be made using the online submission form at:


Malabika Pramanik

Director, Banff International Research Station


Version francaise:

La station internationale de recherche en sciences mathématiques de Banff (BIRS) lance un appel à projets pour l’année 2022. La date limite pour le dépôt des dossiers est fixée pour le vendredi 2 Octobre, 2020. En 2022, BIRS accueillera à nouveau un programme scientifique de 48 semaines dans sa station de Banff, 26 ateliers dans sa station affiliée, Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO) au Mexique, et 10 ateliers a l'Institut des hautes études de Hangzhou en Chine.

La mission de BIRS est de mettre à la disposition de la communauté scientifique internationale un environnement de recherche qui favorise les interactions et les échanges d'idées et de connaissances entre les membres des communautés mathématiques, statistiques, informatiques ainsi que leurs applications dans les sciences et dans le secteur industriel. BIRS et ses centres affiliés fournissent aux participants invités une infrastructure de recherche appropriée, ainsi que le logement et les repas dans un cadre convivial, propice aux échanges d’idées et aux collaborations scientifiques.

Les organisateurs des ateliers du programme de 2020 à Banff, Oaxaca, et Hangzhou, qui ont dû être annulés en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 sont encouragés à mettre à jour leurs propositions dans le même délai ci-dessus afin d'être pris en compte pour le calendrier 2022.

BIRS est conscient de l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les programmes de recherche individuels, et en particulier sur les chercheurs en début de carrière. Nous nous engageons à soutenir les étudiants diplômés, les stagiaires post-doctoraux et les jeunes chercheurs durant cette période difficile. Le conseil scientifique du BIRS accueille favorablement les suggestions sur la meilleure façon de répondre aux besoins de la communauté des chercheurs face aux nouveaux défis. Les candidats sont aussi priés de prendre en consideration que BIRS s’engage à accroître la participation des femmes et d'autres groupes sous-représentés dans la recherche en sciences mathématiques et de leurs applications. Des informations complètes et des lignes directrices pour la soumission des propositions sont disponibles sur le site Web du BIRS:

La date limite pour le dépôt des dossiers concernant les ateliers et les écoles d'été est fixée pour le vendredi 2 Octobre, 2020.

De plus, BIRS continue de mener ses programmes de Recherche en Equipes (RIT) et de Groupes de Recherche (FRG), qui permettent à des équipes de chercheurs de se retrouver dans la station pour plusieurs semaines afin de mener à bien un projet de recherche en collaboration. Les dossiers de demandes pour ces programmes doivent – de préférence – être déposés aussi avant le 2 Octobre 2020. Cependant, les dossiers concernant ces deux derniers programmes (FRG et RIT) seront également acceptés à tout autre moment à condition qu’ils soient soumis au moins 4 mois avant la date de début demandée.

Les dossiers de candidature doivent être soumis en utilisant le formulaire de soumission en ligne, à l'adresse suivante:

Malabika Pramanik
Directeur, Banff International Research Station


versión en español:

La Estación de Investigación Internacional de Banff para la Innovación Matemática y el Descubrimiento (BIRS) está aceptando propuestas para su programa del 2022. La fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas es el viernes 2 de octubre, 2020.

En el 2022, BIRS llevará a cabo nuevamente un programa científico de 48 semanas en su estación en Baff; 26 talleres en su estación afiliada Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO) en México, además de 10 talleres adicionales en el Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Matemáticas (IASM) en Hangzhou, China.

BIRS proporciona un entorno para la interacción creativa y el intercambio de ideas, conocimiento y métodos dentro de las ciencias matemáticas, estadísticas e informáticas, y con disciplinas relacionadas con los sectores industriales. BIRS y sus instalaciones afiliadas ofrecen alojamiento, comidas e instalaciones de investigación sin costo alguno para los asistentes invitados.

A los organizadores de los talleres del 2020 en Banff, Oaxaca and Hangzhou, que tuvieron que cancelarse debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, se les solicita que actualicen sus propuestas en el mismo plazo mencionado anteriormente, para que se tomen en cuenta para el programa del 2022 (o años siguientes)

BIRS es consciente del impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en los programas de investigación individuales, y especialmente en los investigadores de carrera temprana. Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a los estudiantes de posgrado, postdoctorales e investigadores junior durante este difícil período. La junta científica de BIRS agradece las sugerencias sobre la mejor manera de satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad de investigación en vista de los nuevos desafíos. También se les pide a los solicitantes, que tengan en cuenta el compromiso de BIRS de aumentar la participación de mujeres y otros grupos subrepresentados en la investigación de las ciencias matemáticas y aplicaciones.

La fecha límite para las propuestas de talleres de 5 días y Escuelas de Verano, es el viernes 2 de octubre, 2020.

La información completa y la guía para la presentación de propuestas estarán disponibles en:

Además, BIRS operará sus programas de Investigación en equipos y programas de grupos de investigación enfocados, que permiten a grupos más pequeños de investigadores reunirse durante varias semanas de trabajo ininterrumpido en la estación. El 2 de octubre de 2020 es también la fecha para solicitar estos programas. Sin embargo, las propuestas de proyectos que involucran investigación en equipos o grupos de investigación enfocados se pueden enviar en cualquier momento y se procesan según la disponibilidad. Estas propuestas deben recibirse por lo menos 4 meses antes del día propuesto para el inicio.

Todas las propuestas deben realizarse utilizando el formulario de envío en línea:


Malabika Pramanik

Directora de BIRS



班芙国际数学创新和发现研究站(BIRS)现正接受2022年工作坊的提案申请。提交提案的截止日期为 2020年10月2日(星期五)。

BIRS将于2022年再次在其位于班芙的研究站举办48周的工作坊,并在其位于墨西哥的合作研究站 Casa Matemática Oaxaca(CMO)举办26个工作坊,此外亦将在中国杭州的数学高等研究院举办10个原定于2020年推行的工作坊。


因受COVID-19疫情影响 而被取消举办的2020年班芙, CMO-Oaxaca 和杭州数学高等研究院的工作坊, 相关的组织者需要在上述截止日期前更新其提案,以便我们能够于2022年或之后的时间表内考虑该提案。

BIRS明白COVID-19疫情对个别研究计划,尤其是对初入职研究人员的影响。在这个困难时期,我们会致力为研究生、博士后研究员和初级研究人员提供支持。 BIRS科学委员会欢迎建议, 可以使我们在现今新挑战时更好地服务科研界的需求。工作坊的提案必须考虑到 BIRS一向致力于增加女性和其他代表性不足的群体在数学科学研究及其应用上的参与



此外,BIRS也将接受研究小组 Research in Team (RIT) (2-4人)和 Focused Research Group (FRG) (5-8人)之申请。这些计划容许人数较小的研究团队聚集在一起,在研究站不受干扰地进行为期数周的研究工作。2020年10月2日也是申请这些计划的建议日期。不过,有兴趣的申请人也可以随时提交RIT 或FRG的项目提案 - 视情况而定 - 但是必须在其要求开始的日期之前至少4个月提交。


Malabika Pramanik
主任, 班芙国际数学创新与发现研究站

CMO Measures related to the outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19, as of July 14, 2020

Posted on Tue, Jul 14 2020 17:11:00

In view of ongoing travel advisories and physical distancing protocols related to COVID-19, all in-person BIRS-CMO workshops scheduled for this year 2020 in Oaxaca, will unfortunately be cancelled.

At this time, we offer the organizers the option of proceeding virtually, with BIRS support, to have the meetings online. BIRS will take care of archiving and broadcasting the participants' talks online.

The offer of a virtual workshop does not replace the original opportunity to conduct an in-person workshop in the future. For the time being, we invite the organizers to consider the virtual workshop as an interim meeting platform.

If organizers decide to run their workshop online, we ask them to check this link: to see how BIRS can help in setting it up.

The postponed and cancelled workshops from 2020 at CMO-Oaxaca will be considered to run in 2022 and beyond. We ask their organizers to update their proposals. The deadline for proposal submission is Friday, October 2, 2020.

All proposal submissions must be made using the online submission form at

Thank you for your understanding. I wish all of you good health in the days ahead.

José Seade
General Director, Casa Matemática Oaxaca
Professor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

UBC Mathematics Professor Malabika Pramanik appointed next director of the Banff International Research Station

Posted on Mon, May 25 2020 11:04:00

Calgary, Alberta—May 25, 2020: Following an extensive international search, the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) is proud to announce Professor Malabika Pramanik as the next Director of the Station commencing on July 1, 2020. Dr. Pramanik, who is Professor of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia, was confirmed unanimously and enthusiastically by the BIRS Board of Directors for this position. The Board wishes to thank the search committee consisting of Arvind Gupta (Chair; U of T), Michael Lamoureux (U. Calgary), Ed Perkins (UBC), Jackie Sturm (Intel), and Tatiana Toro (U. Washington) for conducting such a thorough search.

Malabika Pramanik received her Masters degrees in Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute, and her PhD in Mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 2001. Before joining UBC in 2006, Dr. Pramanik held positions at the University of Wisconsin, University of Rochester and California Institute of Technology. A mathematical analyst, her research interests cover Euclidean harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations and several complex variables. She is the recipient of two UBC Killam awards one for research and another for teaching, the Ruth E. Michler Memorial Prize, the Canadian Mathematical Society Krieger-Nelson Prize, a 2018 Wall scholarship, and a 2019 Simons fellowship. Dr. Pramanik is actively involved in initiatives that promote diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields, especially through her role as Vice-President for the Pacific region of the CMS and as a co-organizer of programs such as the PIMS Diversity in Mathematics Summer School.

Doug Mitchell, Chair of the BIRS Board of Directors stated that "BIRS is excited to continue its mission as an international resource for the mathematical sciences under the leadership of Dr. Pramanik. I have full confidence in her abilities to take BIRS to new heights.” Mitchell added, “I would also like to use this opportunity to thank BIRS departing director, Dr. Nassif Ghoussoub. Guided by his vision and energy, the past fifteen years have seen BIRS grow and prosper thanks to international partnerships that created a myriad of new opportunities for mathematical scientists worldwide. It was an exciting, fruitful and fun time for me and for the other members of the Board. We shall miss him.”

“BIRS is also indebted to the University of British Columbia, the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta,” added Doug Mitchell. “The BIRS Board is particularly grateful to UBC’s Dean of Science, Meigan Aronson, for her strong support of the world’s mathematical science community through BIRS and for her total confidence in Dr. Pramanik as the new director.”

"Malabika is assuming the directorship of BIRS at a difficult time,” said Dr. Ghoussoub. “But I believe she has what it takes — in values, creativity, and commitment — to navigate this worldwide cherished institution through these rough waters. BIRS is in good hands."

"These are interesting times, when the relevance of mathematical sciences and multidisciplinary research is more central than ever,” said Professor Pramanik. “I am deeply honoured by this opportunity to serve the mathematical community at this critical juncture, when the ways in which we conduct research, teaching and outreach are being revisited. I hope that BIRS with its partners will continue to play a key role in the research landscape within Canada and abroad."

Established in 2003, the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) is a North American research infrastructure that addresses the imperatives of collaborative research and cross-disciplinary synergy, by facilitating intense and prolonged interactions among mathematical scientists from around the world. BIRS’ unique infrastructure ensures a creative environment for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and methods within the mathematical sciences and their vast array of applications in science and engineering. BIRS is located at The Banff Centre in Alberta and is supported by Canada's Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Alberta Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and Mexico's Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).

For more information please contact:

Danny Fan, BIRS Administrator, [email protected]

BIRS-CMO-Hangzhou Measures related to the outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19, as of May 15, 2020

Posted on Fri, May 15 2020 10:38:00

In view of ongoing travel advisories and physical distancing protocols related to COVID-19, all in-person workshops in Banff and Oaxaca, scheduled in June, July and August 2020 will unfortunately be cancelled. At this time, we offer the organizers the option of proceeding virtually, with BIRS supporting, archiving and broadcasting the participants' talks online. This has been done successfully for several workshops such as 20w5025, which ran from March 04-06, though many of you have expressed the limitations and challenges that such a format presents.

The offer of a virtual workshop does not replace the original opportunity to conduct an in-person workshop. As announced earlier, we will try our best to accommodate cancelled workshops when BIRS, CMO and IAS-Hangzhou are able to resume regular operations safely. For the time being, we strongly urge the organizers to consider the virtual workshop as an interim meeting platform.

If organizers decide to run their workshop online, we ask them to check this link: to see how BIRS can help in setting it up.

Thank you for your understanding. I wish all of you good health in the days ahead.

Nassif Ghoussoub, FRSC, OC
Scientific Director, Banff International Research Station

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