Participant Testimonials

Jun 18 - Jun 23, 2023

The workshop provided an excellent venue for interaction on this exciting and booming new research area. I would like to congratulate and thank the organisers for putting together a very well balanced and high-profile line-up of talks. The interaction and engagement of participants at BIRS was great. It did showcase several new research avenues to me that will be highly influential in my future research; it did however, also show the limitations of certain approaches. Participants were open for a non-competitive and unbiased discussion of competing potential approaches in the area of scientific machine learning. I particularly appreciated that a strong emphasis at this workshop was given to promising young and upcoming researchers, who brought a lot of enthusiasm, energy and willingness to engage and interact. The talks were well chosen and the things I took away will definitely influence my immediate hiring decisions. The concluding discussions on Friday on the wider discipline and on how this new field should be shaped was particularly useful and via an editorial piece we plan to write for a special journal issue should provide some lasting impact for the wider research field.

Robert Scheichl Institute for Mathematics & Interdisciplinary Center of Scientific Computing, Heidelberg University