Mathematical Frameworks for Integrative Analysis of Emerging Biological Data Types (Online)

Arriving Sunday, June 14 and departing Friday June 19, 2020

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Abadi, Al The University of Melbourne
Amarasinghe, Shani Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Andrews, Tallulah UHN Research
Argelaguet, Ricard European Bioinformatics Institute
Arora, Arshi Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Bader, Gary University of Toronto
Bodenmiller, Bernd University of Zurich
Bredikhin, Danila EMBL
Carey, Vincent Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Chaigne, Juliette L'Oreal RHD
Choi, Jarny University of Melbourne
Collado Torres, Leonardo C Lieber Institute for Brain Development
Coullomb, Alexis INSERM
Culhane, Aedin Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Curtis, Christina Stanford University
Davide, Risso University of Padova
Davis, Sean NIH Intramural
Deng, Yidi University of Melbourne
Deshpande, Atul Johns Hopkins University
Dries, Ruben Harvard
Eckenrode, Kelly City University of New York
Fertig, Elana Johns Hopkins University
Forster, Duncan University of Toronto
Gottardo, Raphael Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Greene, Casey University of Pennsylvania
Guo, Dan Northeastern University
Hansen, Kasper Johns Hopkins University
Hawinkel, Stijn University of Gent
Hickey, Peter Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Hicks, Stephanie Johns Hopkins University
Holmes, Susan Stanford University
Hsu, Lauren Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Jeganathan, Pratheepa Standford University
Jiang, Yuchao University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kagohara, Luciane Johns Hopkins University
Kaphle, Anubhav University of Melbourne
Kim, Hani Jieun The University of Sydney
Krummel, Matthew UCSF
Le Cao, Kim-Anh University of Melbourne
Lin, Yingxin Yale University
Loth, Melanie Johns Hopkins University
Love, Michael UNC-Chapel Hill
Mahmoudi, Ali University of Melbourne
Marcisak, Emily Johns Hopkins University
Marconato, Luca EMBL
Max, Frank EMBL
Meng, Chen BayBioMS TU Munich
Meuleman, Wouter Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences
Mohan, Babu University of Eastern Finland
Oh, Sehyun CUNY
Pancaldi, Vera INSERM Centre de Recherche de Cancerologie de Toulouse
Praggastis, Brenda Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Ramos, Marcel CUNY School of Public Health
Righelli, Dario Department of Statistics, University of Padua
Risso, Davide University of Padova
Ritchie, Matthew The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Sankaran, Kris Quebec AI Institute
Shen, Ronglai Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Singh, Amrit University of British Columbia
Sodicoff, Joshua University of Michigan Medical School
Stegle, Oliver German Cancer Research Centre & EMBL
Stein-O'Brien, Genevieve Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Subramanian, Ayshwarya Broad Institute
TIan, Luyi WEHI
Vitek, Olga Northeastern University
Waldron, Levi CUNY
Wang, Wendy University of Toronto
Welch, Joshua University of Michigan
Wells, Christine University of Melbourne
Willie, Elijah The University of British Columbia
Xu, Hang Stanford Cancer Institute
Yang, Jean Yee Hwa The University of Sydney
Ye, Zheng Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
you, yue WEHI
Yuan, Guocheng Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Zeleznik, Oana Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital
Zhang, Yi Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Zhang, Yang Carnegie Mellon University