Mathematical Frameworks for Integrative Analysis of Emerging Biological Data Types (Online)
Arriving Sunday, June 14 and departing Friday June 19, 2020
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Abadi, Al | The University of Melbourne |
Amarasinghe, Shani | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research |
Andrews, Tallulah | UHN Research |
Argelaguet, Ricard | European Bioinformatics Institute |
Arora, Arshi | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |
Bader, Gary | University of Toronto |
Bodenmiller, Bernd | University of Zurich |
Bredikhin, Danila | EMBL |
Carey, Vincent | Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School |
Chaigne, Juliette | L'Oreal RHD |
Choi, Jarny | University of Melbourne |
Collado Torres, Leonardo C | Lieber Institute for Brain Development |
Coullomb, Alexis | INSERM |
Culhane, Aedin | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health |
Curtis, Christina | Stanford University |
Davide, Risso | University of Padova |
Davis, Sean | NIH Intramural |
Deng, Yidi | University of Melbourne |
Deshpande, Atul | Johns Hopkins University |
Dries, Ruben | Harvard |
Eckenrode, Kelly | City University of New York |
Fertig, Elana | Johns Hopkins University |
Forster, Duncan | University of Toronto |
Gottardo, Raphael | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Greene, Casey | University of Pennsylvania |
Guo, Dan | Northeastern University |
Hansen, Kasper | Johns Hopkins University |
Hawinkel, Stijn | University of Gent |
Hickey, Peter | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research |
Hicks, Stephanie | Johns Hopkins University |
Holmes, Susan | Stanford University |
Hsu, Lauren | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health |
Jeganathan, Pratheepa | Standford University |
Jiang, Yuchao | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Kagohara, Luciane | Johns Hopkins University |
Kaphle, Anubhav | University of Melbourne |
Kim, Hani Jieun | The University of Sydney |
Krummel, Matthew | UCSF |
Le Cao, Kim-Anh | University of Melbourne |
Lin, Yingxin | Yale University |
Loth, Melanie | Johns Hopkins University |
Love, Michael | UNC-Chapel Hill |
Mahmoudi, Ali | University of Melbourne |
Marcisak, Emily | Johns Hopkins University |
Marconato, Luca | EMBL |
Max, Frank | EMBL |
Meng, Chen | BayBioMS TU Munich |
Meuleman, Wouter | Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences |
Mohan, Babu | University of Eastern Finland |
Oh, Sehyun | CUNY |
Pancaldi, Vera | INSERM Centre de Recherche de Cancerologie de Toulouse |
Praggastis, Brenda | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Ramos, Marcel | CUNY School of Public Health |
Righelli, Dario | Department of Statistics, University of Padua |
Risso, Davide | University of Padova |
Ritchie, Matthew | The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research |
Sankaran, Kris | Quebec AI Institute |
Shen, Ronglai | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
Singh, Amrit | University of British Columbia |
Sodicoff, Joshua | University of Michigan Medical School |
Stegle, Oliver | German Cancer Research Centre & EMBL |
Stein-O'Brien, Genevieve | Johns Hopkins School of Medicine |
Subramanian, Ayshwarya | Broad Institute |
TIan, Luyi | WEHI |
Vitek, Olga | Northeastern University |
Waldron, Levi | CUNY |
Wang, Wendy | University of Toronto |
Welch, Joshua | University of Michigan |
Wells, Christine | University of Melbourne |
Willie, Elijah | The University of British Columbia |
Xu, Hang | Stanford Cancer Institute |
Yang, Jean Yee Hwa | The University of Sydney |
Ye, Zheng | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center |
you, yue | WEHI |
Yuan, Guocheng | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute |
Zeleznik, Oana | Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Zhang, Yi | Dana Farber Cancer Institute |
Zhang, Yang | Carnegie Mellon University |