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All Meetings at BIRS in 2003

Code Title Arrival Date Departure Date
03w5024 Recent developments in Superstring Theory 03/15/2003 03/20/2003
03w5037 Scattering and Inverse Scattering 03/22/2003 03/27/2003
03w2310 Northwest Functional Analysis Symposium 03/27/2003 03/29/2003
03w5005 Commutative Algebra and Geometry 03/29/2003 04/03/2003
03rit551 Restricting syzygies of algebraic varieties 04/03/2003 04/06/2003
03w5060 BIRS workshop on Noncommutative Geometry 04/05/2003 04/10/2003
03w2311 Math Fair Workshop 04/10/2003 04/12/2003
03w5096 Quantum Mechanics on the Large Scale 04/12/2003 04/17/2003
03rit401 Asymptotic dynamics of dispersive equations with solitons 04/18/2003 04/26/2003
03w5039 Computational Fuel Cell Dynamics-II 04/19/2003 04/24/2003
03w5035 The many aspects of Mahler's measure 04/26/2003 05/01/2003
03rit002 Topological orbit equivalence for dynamical systems 04/26/2003 05/10/2003
03rit305 Field Theory and Cohomology of Groups 04/26/2003 05/10/2003
03w5009 Recent advances in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics 05/03/2003 05/08/2003
03w5014 Statistical mechanics of polymer models 05/10/2003 05/15/2003
03frg004 Regularity for hypergraphs 05/10/2003 05/24/2003
03w2312 The regression discontinuity method in economics: theory and applications 05/15/2003 05/17/2003
03w5300 PIMS-IMA Graduate Mathematics Modelling Camp 05/17/2003 05/24/2003
03w5105 Constraint programming, belief revision, and combinatorial optimization 05/24/2003 05/29/2003
03ss002 Topology and Analysis: Complementary approaches to the Baum-Connes and Novikov conjectures 05/24/2003 06/07/2003
03w5075 Symmetry and Bifurcation in Biology 05/31/2003 06/05/2003
03w5019 Applicable Harmonic Analysis 06/07/2003 06/12/2003
03frg052 Quantum Algorithms and Complexity Theory 06/07/2003 06/21/2003
03w5065 Integration on arc spaces, elliptic genus and chiral de Rham complex 06/14/2003 06/19/2003
03w5062 Point processes--theory and applications 06/21/2003 06/26/2003
03ss306 Preparatory Workshop for the 2003 AMS/MSRI von Neumann Symposium 06/21/2003 06/27/2003
03w5122 Joint Dynamics 06/28/2003 07/03/2003
03ss001 2003 Summer IMO Training Camp 06/28/2003 07/10/2003
03w5080 Mathematical Biology: From molecules to ecosystems;The legacy of Lee Segel 07/05/2003 07/10/2003
03w5074 Perspectives in Differential Geometry 07/12/2003 07/17/2003
03frg003 Problems in Discrete Probability 07/12/2003 07/26/2003
03w5100 Differential invariants and invariant differential equations 07/19/2003 07/24/2003
03w5046 Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory 07/26/2003 07/31/2003
03rit004 Representation theory of linearly compact Lie superalgebras and the Standard Model 07/26/2003 08/16/2003
03w5067 Monge-Ampere type equations and applications 08/02/2003 08/07/2003
03rit005 Variance of quasi-coherent torsion Cousin complexes 08/02/2003 08/16/2003
03w5057 Defects and their Dynamics 08/09/2003 08/16/2003
03w5078 Localization Behavior in Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Applications to the Natural Sciences 08/09/2003 08/16/2003
03w5032 Current trends in arithmetic geometry and number theory 08/16/2003 08/21/2003
03rit003 Invariant Manifolds for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations 08/16/2003 08/30/2003
03rit006 Local uniformization and resolution of singularities 08/16/2003 09/06/2003
03w5050 Computational Techniques for Moving Interfaces 08/23/2003 08/28/2003
03w2314 Theoretical Physics Institute of the University of Alberta Symposium 08/28/2003 08/30/2003
03w5093 A creative writing workshop at BIRS 08/30/2003 09/04/2003
03w5095 Locally finite Lie algebras 08/30/2003 09/04/2003
03w2315 MITACS-PIMS Health Canada meeting on SARS 09/04/2003 09/06/2003
03w5089 Regularization in Statistics 09/06/2003 09/11/2003
03rit007 Arithmetic of fundamental groups 09/06/2003 09/20/2003
03w5068 Topology in and around dimension three 09/13/2003 09/18/2003
03w2313 Canadian Mathematics Chairs Meeting 09/18/2003 09/20/2003
03w5059 Structural and Probabilistic Approaches to Graph Colouring 09/20/2003 09/25/2003
03frg304 Mathematical Models for Plant Dispersal 09/20/2003 10/02/2003
03w5079 Stochastic partial differential equations 09/27/2003 10/02/2003
03rit552 Modular invariants and NIM-reps 10/03/2003 10/18/2003
03w5029 Quadratic forms, algebraic groups, and Galois cohomology 10/04/2003 10/09/2003
03w5023 BANFF Credit Risk Conference 2003 10/11/2003 10/16/2003
03w2307 West Coast Operator Algebra 10/16/2003 10/18/2003
03w2308 The World Bank Thailand SEQI Project 10/16/2003 10/18/2003
03w5301 MITACS Special Industrial Forum 10/18/2003 10/25/2003
03w5099 Current trends in representation theory of finite groups 10/25/2003 10/30/2003
03w5302 Galaxy Formation: A Herculean Challenge 11/01/2003 11/06/2003
03w5303 Floer homology for 3-manifolds Y 11/08/2003 11/13/2003
03w5020 The interaction of finite type and Gromov-Witten invariants. 11/15/2003 11/20/2003
03w5008 Theory and Numerics of Matrix Eigenvalue Problems 11/22/2003 11/27/2003
03w5021 Nonlinear dynamics of thin films and fluid interfaces 11/29/2003 12/04/2003
03w5061 Calabi--Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry 12/06/2003 12/11/2003
03w5104 p-adic variation of motives 12/13/2003 12/18/2003
03w5110 Coordinate methods in nonselfadjoint operator algebras 12/13/2003 12/18/2003

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