From Evolution to Bioengineering of Biological Patterning Mechanisms – Mathematical Advances and Challenges

Arriving Sunday, June 2 and departing Friday June 7, 2024

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Ares, Saúl Centro Nacional de Biotecnología - CSIC
Buganza-Tepole, Adrian Purdue University
Camacho Aguilar, Elena CABD
Carrillo, Jose A. University of Oxford
Casares, Fernando CABD-Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology, CSIC/Univ. Pablo de Olavide/JA
DePace, Angela Harvard
Escudero, Luis María University of Seville
Gavrilchenko, Tatyana Simons Foundation
Grande Gutierrez, Noelia Carnegie Mellon University
Green, Jeremy KCL
Haase, Kristina EMBL
Holland, Maria Notre Dame
Huang, Anqi Crick
Ibanes, Marta Universitat de Barcelona
Iber, Dagmar ETH Zurich
Jimenez, Maria Jose Universidad de Sevilla
Klika, Vaclav FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague
Lane, Brendan John Innes Centre
Langa, Jose A University of Seville
Marcon, Luciano Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology
McDole, Kate MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Milinkovitch, Michel University of Geneva
Nunes Vasconcelos, Sara University Health Network/ University of Toronto
Poyatos, Juan Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Salazar-Ciudad, Isaac Centre de Recerca Matematica
Saunders, Timothy University of Warwick
Sharpe, James EMBL Barcelona
Shirt-Ediss, Ben DIPC, San Sebastian
Siggia, Eric Rockefeller University
Stumpf, Michael University of Melbourne
ten Tusscher, Kirsten Utrecht university
Torres-Sánchez, Alejandro European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Turlier, Herve CNRS / Collège de France
Umulis, David M. Purdue University
Vetter, Roman ETH Zürich
Villars, Alexis ETH Zurich
Volkening, Alexandria Purdue University