Optimal Transport and Dynamics

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Temple university
- 10:31
Fine Properties of Monotone Maps arising in Optimal Transport for non quadratic costs
Watch video | Download video: 202408120930-Gutierrez.mp4 (64M)
, New York University
- 11:59
A model of dynamic matching.
Watch video | Download video: 202408121100-Galichon.mp4 (70M)
, University of Utah
- 13:02
A rate-independent model of droplet evolution
Watch video | Download video: 202408121200-Feldman.mp4 (64M)
, University of Texas at Austin
- 16:00
Generative Adversarial Networks: Dynamics and Mode Collapse
Watch video | Download video: 202408121500-Delgadino.mp4 (68M)
, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 17:08
Trajectory Inference in Wasserstein Space
Watch video | Download video: 202408121630-Moosmuller.mp4 (44M)
, National Center for Theoretical Sciences
- 09:53
Optimal Transportation problem on a surface of a convex body without twisted condition.
Watch video | Download video: 202408130900-Jeong.mp4 (60M)
, Howard University
- 10:31
Optimal Transport in the Design of Freeform Optical Surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202408131000-Mawi.mp4 (35M)
, University of Texas at Austin
- 11:57
An optimal transport problem with interaction effects
Watch video | Download video: 202408131100-Cabrera.mp4 (87M)
, CIMAT-Guanajuato
- 12:32
A dynamic model of congestion
Watch video | Download video: 202408131200-Chang-Lara.mp4 (37M)
, Durham University
- 13:34
From the porous medium equation to the Hele-Shaw flow: an optimal transport perspective
Watch video | Download video: 202408131230-Meszaros.mp4 (253M)
, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, US)
- 15:38
A variational perspective on the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation
Watch video | Download video: 202408131500-Park.mp4 (45M)
, Universität Bonn
- 16:01
Some geometric perspectives for adversarial training: Perimeters and Mean Curvature Flows.
Watch video | Download video: 202408131530-Stinson.mp4 (34M)
, University of Utah
- 17:02
Regularity theory of a gradient degenerate Neumann problem
Watch video | Download video: 202408131630-Huang.mp4 (39M)
, Yale University
- 10:02
Reconstructing the Initial Conditions of the Universe with Optimal Transport
Watch video | Download video: 202408140900-Padmanabhan.mp4 (77M)
, Inria
- 11:00
Optimal Transportation: your round-trip ticket to the edge of the Universe.
Watch video | Download video: 202408141000-Levy.mp4 (82M)
, Yale University
- 11:45
Reconstruction/Forward Modeling of Large-Scale Structures Using Optimal Transport Theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408141100-Nikakhtar.mp4 (67M)
, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 09:51
Non-preservation of concavity properties by the Dirichlet heat flow on Riemannian manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202408150900-Takatsu.mp4 (146M)
, University of Oregon
- 11:00
Flows on the Kim-McCann metric
Watch video | Download video: 202408151000-Warren.mp4 (65M)
- 12:30
Mean Field Limit for Congestion Dynamics in One Dimension
Watch video | Download video: 202408151130-Wu.mp4 (68M)
, UC Santa Barbara
- 13:25
Lagrangian solutions to PME and diffusion models
Watch video | Download video: 202408151230-Jacobs.mp4 (177M)