Frontiers of Bayesian Inference and Data Science

Videos from CMO Workshop

, University of Milano
- 11:00
Distribution theory of Gibbs-type feature allocation
Watch video | Download video: 202409021015-Rigon.mp4 (60M)
, University of Edinburgh
- 11:30
Ancestor Hawkes Processes for Group Chat Messaging Patterns
Watch video | Download video: 202409021100-Deutsch.mp4 (38M)
, University of Milano-Bicocca
- 12:30
Nesting compound random measures
Watch video | Download video: 202409021200-Corradin.mp4 (26M)
, University of Montreal
- 15:45
Towards variance reduction in MCMC with the occlusion process
Watch video | Download video: 202409021515-Maire.mp4 (39M)
, Johns Hopkins University
- 17:00
Precision Medicine in HIV
Watch video | Download video: 202409021615-Xu.mp4 (56M)
, The University of Texas at Dallas
- 17:15
Functional connectivity across the human subcortical auditory system using an autoregressive matrix-Gaussian copula graphical model approach with partial correlations
Watch video | Download video: 202409021700-Chandra.mp4 (20M)
, University of Texas at Dallas
- 17:45
Bayesian Semiparametric Drift-diffusion Models for Cognitive Control Leveraging Stop-signal Tasks
Watch video | Download video: 202409021715-Shuvo.mp4 (28M)
, University of Birmingham
- 10:15
Scalable inference for epidemic models with individual level data
Watch video | Download video: 202409030945-Touloupou.mp4 (31M)
, University of Texas at Austin
- 10:45
Predictive coresets
Watch video | Download video: 202409031015-FloresLopez.mp4 (33M)
, University of Torino
- 11:45
Understanding partially exchangeable nonparametric priors for discrete structure
Watch video | Download video: 202409031115-Rebaudo.mp4 (39M)
, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- 12:15
Scalable smoothing in high-dimensions with BART
Watch video | Download video: 202409031145-Deshpande.mp4 (34M)
, University College Lonon
- 15:00
Robust and Conjugate Gaussian Process Regression
Watch video | Download video: 202409031415-Briol.mp4 (56M)
, Columbia University
- 15:30
Nonparametrically-perturbed parametric Bayesian models: robustness, efficiency and approximations
Watch video | Download video: 202409031500-Weinstein.mp4 (39M)
, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- 16:00
Scalable Bayesian inference for Coalescent Models
Watch video | Download video: 202409031530-Capello.mp4 (32M)
, University of Florida
- 17:00
Spatial causal inference in the presence of unmeasured confounding and interference
Watch video | Download video: 202409031630-Papadogeorgou.mp4 (38M)
, Harvard University
- 17:15
Confounder-Dependent Bayesian Mixture Model: Characterizing Heterogeneity of Causal Effects
Watch video | Download video: 202409031700-BargagliStoffi.mp4 (37M)
, Brown University
- 17:45
Bayesian Nonparametrics for Principal Stratification with Continuous Post-Treatment Variables
Watch video | Download video: 202409031715-Zorzetto.mp4 (27M)
, Texas A&M University
- 09:45
Global-Local Dirichlet Processes for Identifying Pan-Cancer Subpopulations Using Both Shared and Cancer-Specific Data
Watch video | Download video: 202409040900-Ni.mp4 (53M)
, Politecnico di Milano
- 10:15
Learning to (approximately) count via Bayesian nonparametrics
Watch video | Download video: 202409040945-Beraha.mp4 (28M)
, University of Milano Bicocca
- 11:30
Clustering multiple network data: a Bayesian nonparametric approach}
Watch video | Download video: 202409041045-Nipoti.mp4 (58M)
, University of Maryland
- 12:00
An invariance-based approach to node clustering in dynamic networks
Watch video | Download video: 202409041130-Gaffi.mp4 (32M)
, Bocconi University
- 12:30
Conditional partial exchangeability: longitudinal and multi-view partitions
Watch video | Download video: 202409041200-Franzolini.mp4 (42M)
, London School of Economics and Political Science
- 09:30
Modeling sparse networks with Bayesian Nonparametrics
Watch video | Download video: 202409050900-Panero.mp4 (33M)
, Università della Svizzera italiana
- 10:00
Scalable Bayesian inference for Gaussian Graphical Models
Watch video | Download video: 202409050930-Sulem.mp4 (38M)
- 11:30
Speeding up Inference on genetic trees and graphs
Watch video | Download video: 202409051100-Zhou.mp4 (35M)
, Brown University
- 12:00
Bayesian multi-study techniques to learn reproducible signals across studies
Watch video | Download video: 202409051130-deVito.mp4 (28M)
, University of California, Irvine
- 14:15
Bayesian spatial modeling for applications in geophysical sciences
Watch video | Download video: 202409051330-Berrocal.mp4 (55M)
, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- 14:45
Of mice and music: finite-infinite nested priors for the segmentation of large-scale grouped data
Watch video | Download video: 202409051415-Denti.mp4 (37M)
, Brown University
- 15:15
Bayesian Semiparametrics for Sequential Decision-Making with Incomplete Information: Applications in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Watch video | Download video: 202409051445-Oganisian.mp4 (37M)
, Rutgers University
- 16:45
Identifiable deep generative models via sparse decoding
Watch video | Download video: 202409051615-Moran.mp4 (34M)
, Harvard University
- 17:15
Eliciting Behavioral Bayesian Priors for Reinforcement Learning from Large Language Models
Watch video | Download video: 202409051645-Jewson.mp4 (44M)