Schedule for: 24w4006 - Frontiers of Quantum information and Computation
Beginning on Sunday, December 8 and ending Friday December 13, 2024
All times in Chennai, India time, MST (UTC-7).
Sunday, December 8 | |
16:00 - 23:00 |
Check-in begins at 16:00 on Sunday and is open 24 hours ↓ Hotel address:
The Marina Mall,
13/1A, OMR, Near Navalur Toll,
Egattur, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu - 603103. (Hotel Regenta Central - Front Desk) |
Monday, December 9 | |
07:30 - 08:50 | Breakfast (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
08:50 - 09:20 |
Transport to CMI Institute ↓ Meet at the hotel lobby (Other (See Description)) |
09:20 - 09:30 | Introduction and Welcome by CMI Staff (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
09:30 - 10:00 | Anand Natarajan: Tutorial - Cryptography (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Atul Singh Arora: A computational test of quantum contextuality, and even simpler proofs of quantumness ↓ Bell non-locality is a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics whereby
measurements performed on "spatially separated" quantum systems can exhibit
correlations that cannot be understood as revealing predetermined values.
This is a special case of the more general phenomenon of "quantum
contextuality", which says that such correlations can occur even when the
measurements are not necessarily on separate quantum systems, but are merely
"compatible" (i.e. commuting). Crucially, while any non-local game yields an
experiment that demonstrates quantum advantage by leveraging the "spatial
separation" of two or more devices (and in fact several such demonstrations
have been conducted successfully in recent years), the same is not true for
quantum contextuality: finding the contextuality analogue of such an
experiment is arguably one of the central open questions in the foundations
of quantum mechanics.
In this work, we show that an arbitrary contextuality game can be compiled
into an operational "test of contextuality" involving a single quantum
device, by only making the assumption that the device is computationally
bounded. Our work is inspired by the recent work of Kalai et al. (STOC '23)
that converts any non-local game into a classical test of quantum advantage
with a single device. The central idea in their work is to use cryptography
to enforce spatial separation within subsystems of a single quantum device.
Our work can be seen as using cryptography to enforce "temporal separation",
i.e. to restrict communication between sequential measurements.
Beyond contextuality, we employ our ideas to design a "proof of quantumness"
that, to the best of our knowledge, is arguably even simpler than the ones
proposed in the literature so far. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Srijita Kundu: Uncloneable quantum states are necessary as proofs and advice ↓ Uncloneability is one of the most remarkable properties of quantum
states that separates them from classical information. Over the years, this
property has found numerous uses in cryptography - many tasks that are
classically impossible become possible in quantum cryptography due to
uncloneability. In this talk, we examine the utility of uncloneable quantum
states in complexity theory, specifically in the form of proofs and advice.
We define and study languages that necessarily need uncloneable quantum
proofs and advice. We define strictly uncloneable versions of the classes
QMA, BQP/qpoly and FEQP/qpoly (which is the class of relational problems
solvable exactly with polynomial-sized quantum advice). Strictly uncloneable
QMA is defined to be the class of languages in QMA that only have
uncloneable proofs, i.e., given any family of candidate proof states, a
polynomial-time cloning algorithm cannot act on it to produce states that
are jointly usable by $k$ separate polynomial-time verifiers, for arbitrary
polynomial $k$. This is a stronger notion of uncloneable proofs and advice
than those considered in previous works, which only required the existence
of a single family of proof or advice states that are uncloneable. We show
that in the quantum oracle model, there exist languages in strictly
uncloneable QMA and strictly uncloneable BQP/qpoly. The language in strictly
uncloneable QMA also gives a quantum oracle separation between QMA and the
class cloneableQMA introduced by Nehoran and Zhandry (2024). We also show
without using any oracles that the language used by Aaronson, Buhrman and
Kretschmer (2024) to separate FEQP/qpoly and FBQP/poly, is in strictly
uncloneable FEQP/qpoly.
Based on joint work with Rohit Chatterjee and Supartha Podder. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Yihui Quek: The Learning Stabilizers with Noise problem ↓ Random classical codes have good error correcting properties, and
yet they are notoriously hard to decode in practice. Despite many decades of
extensive study, the fastest known algorithms still run in exponential time.
The Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem, which can be seen as the task
of decoding a random linear code in the presence of noise, has thus emerged
as a prominent hardness assumption with numerous applications in both
cryptography and learning theory. Is there a natural quantum analog of the
LPN problem? In this work, we introduce the Learning Stabilizers with Noise
(LSN) problem, the task of decoding a random stabilizer code in the presence
of local depolarizing noise, and give evidence of its hardness as well as
applications in both learning theory and cryptography. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch ↓ Location will be announced at the start of each workshop. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Amit Behera: Quantum Cryptography: Scopes and Anomalies ↓ In this talk, we will discuss the impact of quantum information on
cryptography, both in terms of achieving cryptographic tasks beyond the
limits of classical computation as well as the interesting anomalies arising
in the quantum cryptographic landscape, which is in stark contrast to
classical cryptography. In particular, we will discuss the main results and
open questions in unclonable cryptography, a subfield of quantum
cryptography that does not have a classical cryptographic analog. Next, we
will review recent developments concerning the possibility of cryptography
without one-way functions and the question of minimal assumption in quantum
cryptography. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Atul Mantri: Quantum Security Analysis of the Key-Alternating Ciphers ↓ We investigate the quantum security of key-alternating ciphers
(KAC), a generalization of Even-Mansour ciphers extended over multiple
rounds. KAC serves as a model for many block cipher constructions, including
widely used ciphers like AES. While there is a substantial body of work on
the classical security of KAC, little is understood about its resilience
against quantum adversaries.
In this talk, we present the first non-trivial quantum key-recovery attack
on multi-round KAC in a setting where the adversary has quantum access to
just one of the public permutations. This attack, which works for any
$t$-round KAC, achieves a quantum query complexity of
$O(2^{\frac{t(t+1)n}{(t+1)^2+1}})$, where $n$ is key size. For comparison,
the best-known classical attack requires $O(2^{\frac{tn}{(t+1)}})$ queries,
as established by Bogdanev et al. (EUROCRYPT 2012). Our approach employs a
novel use of MNRS-style quantum walk algorithms by Magniez et al. (STOC
2007), which may have further applications in quantum cryptanalysis.
Moreover, by leveraging a hybrid quantum-classical attack model, we extend
the classical Even-Mansour lower bound for $t$-round KACs, from
$\Omega(2^{\frac{n}{3}})$ as shown by Alagic et al. (EUROCRYPT 2022), to a
tighter bound of $\Omega(2^{\frac{(t-1)n}{t}})$ for $t \geq 2$. This work
enhances our understanding of the limitations and vulnerabilities of
classical cipher constructions in the presence of quantum adversaries, with
potential implications for future block cipher designs in the quantum era.
The talk is based on joint work with Chen Bai and Mehdi Esmaili. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Rishabh Batra: Commitments are equivalent to statistically-verifiable one-way state generators ↓ One-way state generators (OWSG) are natural quantum analogs to
classical one-way functions. We consider statistically-verifiable
OWSGs (sv-OWSG), which are potentially weaker objects than OWSGs. We
show that O(n/log(n))-copy sv-OWSGs (n represents the input length)
are equivalent to poly(n)-copy sv-OWSGs and to quantum commitments.
Since known results show that o(n/log(n))-copy OWSGs cannot imply
commitments, this shows that O(n/log(n))-copy sv-OWSGs are the weakest
OWSGs from which we can get commitments (and hence much of quantum
Our construction follows along the lines of Hastad, Impagliazzo, Levin
and Luby [HILL99], who obtained classical pseudorandom generators
(PRG) from classical one-way functions (OWF), however with crucial
modifications. Our construction, when applied to the classical case,
provides an alternative to the classical construction to obtain a
classical mildly non-uniform PRG from any classical OWF. Since we do
not argue conditioned on the output f(x), our construction and
analysis is arguably simpler and may be of independent interest. For
converting a mildly non-uniform PRG to a uniform PRG, we can use the
same construction as [HILL99]. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
16:00 - 16:30 |
Pranab Sen: Practical resilient efficient one way QKD ↓ Almost all known QKD protocols use two way communication, including the
earliest and most famous one viz. BB84. Also most known QKD protocols have
an information reconciliation step where Alice and Bob go from there
respective raw keys, which are slightly different due to Eve's actions, to
their reconciled raw keys which are exactly the same. No efficient algorithm
for information reconciliation is known. All experimental implementations of
QKD suffer significant channel losses, which have to be handled by two way
One way QKD becomes important in some critical / military scenarios. The one
way protocol should be practical i.e. designed for today's hardware,
resilient i.e. able to handle realistic amount of channel losses and Eve's
eavesdropping, and efficient i.e every aspect of the protocol from end to
end should be implementable in classical polynomial time.
We design a strictly one way QKD protocol that achieves all the above
requirements. Using the 4 BB84 states, it can tolerate up to 25% losses
without eavesdropping bit errors, or 4% bit errors without losses. A
tradeoff exists between losses and bit errors e.g. loss of 10% and bit error
of 1% is tolerable which is a realistic figure. In addition, our information
reconciliation subroutine can be plugged into existing QKD protocols like
BB84, making them fully efficient for the first time. We also obtain
extensions to our protocol using the standard set of six states.
This is joint work with Sayantan Chakraborty and Upendra Kapshikar. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
16:30 - 17:00 |
Rahul Jain: Quantum secure non-malleable cryptography ↓ In this talk, we survey some recent results in quantum secure
non-malleable cryptography. We look at some recent constructions of
non-malleable extractors and their applications in privacy amplification
(e.g. for QKD), constructing non-malleable randomness-encoders,
non-malleable codes, and non-malleable secret sharing schemes (both for
classical and quantum secrets).
Talk based on: ArXiv:2308.06466 (TCC 2024), ArXiv: 2308.07340 (QCrypt 2023),
ArXiv:2202.13354 (IEEE-T-IT 2023), ArXiv:2109.03097 (TQC 2023) and
ArXiv:2106.02766 (IEEE-T-IT 2023). (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
18:00 - 21:30 | Dinner (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
Tuesday, December 10 | |
07:30 - 09:00 | Breakfast (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Transport to CMI Institute ↓ Meet at the hotel lobby (Other (See Description)) |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Anthony Munson: The value of lacking complexity in quantum computation ↓ Quantum complexity is emerging as a key feature of many-body systems, including early quantum computers, black holes, and topological materials. A state’s quantum complexity quantifies the difficulty of preparing the state from a simple tensor product, or the difficulty of uncomputing the state to a simple tensor product. The greater a state’s distance from maximal complexity, or “uncomplexity,” the more useful the state is as input to a quantum computation. Separately, resource theories—simple models for agents subject to constraints—are burgeoning in quantum information theory. I will unite the two domains, meeting Brown and Susskind’s long-standing challenge to construct a resource theory of uncomplexity. I will present the resource theory’s definition, two operational tasks analyzable in the theory, and monotones (resource-theory measures of a state’s usefulness). This work brings to many-body complexity a powerful mathematical and conceptual toolkit from quantum information theory.
1) NYH, Kothakonda, Haferkamp, Munson, Eisert, and Faist, Phys. Rev. A 106, 062417 (2022).
2) Munson, Kothakonda, Haferkamp, NYH, Eisert, and Faist, arXiv:2403.04828 (2024).
3) Haferkamp, Kothakonda, Faist, Eisert, and NYH, Nat. Phys. (2022). (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Pavithran Iyer Sridharan: Quantum Error Correction Beyond the Pauli Paradigm ↓ Quantum systems are prone to environmental interactions that lead
to faults in a computation process, posing significant engineering
roadblocks for building large-scale quantum computers. Quantum error
correction (QEC) provides a theoretical framework to ensure that logical
operations can performed reliably in the presence of noise. However, many of
these theoretical guarantees rely on overly simplistic error models, often
assuming decoherence caused by unknown Pauli operations such as a
Depolarizing channel. This approach fails to accurately capture realistic
noise, where quantum systems undergo a general time evolution while being
entangled with their environment. For example, the physical process
associated with a qubit's T1 relaxation time does not conform to a
Depolarizing channel. Similarly, coherent errors arising from imperfect
calibration present another critical deviation. Analyzing the behavior of
QEC schemes under such realistic noise conditions is crucial for optimizing
their design and performance. In this talk, I will present an overview of
some of my works (arXiv:1711.04736, arXiv:2108.10830, arXiv:2303.06846, and
another in preparation) that provide insights into benchmarking and
improving the performance of QEC schemes under realistic noise models,
paving the way for designing optimal and efficient QEC schemes. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:00 - 12:00 | Hsin-Yuan (Robert) Huang: Tutorial - Learning theory (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Rajat Mittal: Composition of approximate degree ↓ Approximate degree is known to be a lower bound on the quantum
query complexity. For a measure $M$, composition question asks if $M(f\circ
g) = \Theta (M(f) M(g)$. Even though the composition question for most of
the measures based on decision tree (how does for a measure $M$?) has been
answered, the complete picture is missing for approximate degree. In this
talk we will focus on the composition question of approximate degree.
We will discuss methods (like dual witness) which have been tried to prove
composition. This will allow us to prove composition for some interesting
classes of functions. Specifically, we will see the composition result when
the inner or the outer function is a recursive composition itself.
This is a joint work with Sourav Chakraborty, Chandrima Kayal, Manaswi
Paraashar and Nitin Saurabh. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:40 - 13:30 |
Lunch ↓ Location will be announced at the start of each workshop. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
13:30 - 19:00 |
Optional outing: Mahabalipuram ↓ More information will follow. (Other (See Description)) |
14:00 - 17:00 | Discussion Time (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
18:00 - 21:30 | Dinner (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
Wednesday, December 11 | |
07:30 - 09:00 | Breakfast (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Transport to CMI Institute ↓ Meet at the hotel lobby (Other (See Description)) |
09:30 - 10:00 | Graeme Smith: Reverse-type Data Processing Inequality (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Marco Tomamichel: Quantum conditional entropies ↓ Fully quantum conditional entropies are widely used in quantum information
theory and cryptography to quantify the uncertainty about the state of a
quantum system from the perspective of an observer with access to a
potentially correlated quantum system. Using a novel construction, we find a
comprehensive family of conditional entropy that contain all previously
studied examples of R\'enyi entropies. We show that they satisfy a list of
desiderata: data-processing inequalities, additivity under tensor products,
duality relations, chain rules, concavity or convexity, and various
monotonicity relations in their parameters. We provide unified proofs that
in many cases simplify previous more specialised arguments. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:00 - 12:00 | Pranab Sen: Tutorial - Quantum Shannon Theory (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Arul Lakshminarayan: Quantum channels and dynamical systems ↓ Quantum channels derived from various dynamical systems are
considered. If there is a classical limit, classical channels, defined
via the unitary Koopman operators, enable a detailed study of classical
structures in quantum channel modes, including scarring. For many-body
systems these channels provide a fresh insight into integrability
breaking and the quantum equivalents of Ruelle-Pollicot resonances that
govern decay of correlations. Some universal features such as the
application of the single-ring theorem from random matrix theory in the
spectral properties of quantum channels is also pointed out. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:30 - 12:40 | Group Photo (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch ↓ Location will be announced at the start of each workshop. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Uma Girish: Trade-offs between Entanglement and Communication ↓ We study the power of entanglement in classical communication
complexity. In particular, we study LOCC communication where Alice and Bob
have limited entanglement and can exchange classical messages that depend on
measurement outcomes of their shared state. We give explicit partial
functions on N bits for which reducing the entanglement even by a small
amount exponentially increases the classical communication complexity. Among
several results, we show that for every k >= 1,
(1.) Classical simultaneous protocols with O(k log N) qubits of entanglement
can exponentially outperform quantum simultaneous protocols with O(k) qubits
of entanglement.
(2.) Classical one-way protocols with O(k^5 log^3 N) qubits of entanglement
can exponentially outperform classical two-way protocols with O(k) qubits of
Collectively, these results show that we cannot efficiently reduce the
entanglement in a quantum protocol using only a small amount of classical
two-way communication or quantum simultaneous communication. This is based
on a joint work with Srinivasan Arunachalam. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Soumik Ghosh: Learning and cryptography with random circuits ↓ The talk is in two parts.
— In the first part, we prove a lower bound on the scrambling speed of a
random quantum circuit. We give three applications of this:
a) An optimal lower bound on the depth required for ε-approximate unitary
b) A polynomial-time quantum algorithm that computes the depth of a
bounded-depth circuit, given oracle access to the circuit;
c) A polynomial-time algorithm that learns log-depth circuits up to
polynomially small diamond distance, given oracle access to the circuit.
— In the second part, we show that concrete hardness assumptions about
learning or cloning the output state of a random quantum circuit can be
used as the foundation for secure quantum cryptography. Our random
circuit-based constructions provide concrete instantiations of quantum
crypto-graphic primitives whose security do not depend on the existence
of one-way functions. The use of random circuits in our constructions
also opens the door to NISQ-friendly quantum cryptography. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Apoorva Patel: Understanding Quantum Advantage in Machine Learning ↓ Machine learning models are used for pattern recognition analysis of big
without direct human intervention. The task of supervised learning is to
classify new data after learning patterns from training data, while that of
unsupervised learning is to find the probability distribution that would
describe the available data, and then use it to make predictions. The former
uses feature maps, while the latter uses Boltzmann distributions, both with
a large number of tunable parameters. Quantum extensions of these models
replace classical probability distributions with the quantum density matrix.
An advantage can be obtained only when features of quantum density matrices
that are missing in classical probability distributions are exploited. Such
situations depend on the input data as well as the targeted observables.
Illustrative examples bring out the constraints limiting quantum advantage.
The problem-dependent extent of quantum advantage has implications for both
data analysis and sensing applications. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
16:00 - 16:30 | Prabha Mandayam (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Panel discussion: New directions in Quantum Information and Computation ↓ Moderator: Ashwin Nayak
Rahul Jain
Arul Lakshminarayan
Frederic Magniez
Anand Natarajan
Apoorva Patel (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
18:00 - 21:30 | Dinner (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
Thursday, December 12 | |
07:30 - 09:00 | Breakfast (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Transport to CMI Institute ↓ Meet at the hotel lobby (Other (See Description)) |
09:30 - 10:30 | Frederic Magniez: Tutorial - Query complexity (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Avhishek Chatterjee: Effect of Correlated Errors on Quantum Memory ↓ Recent results on constant overhead LDPC code based
fault-tolerance against i.i.d. errors naturally lead to the question of
fault-tolerance against errors with long-range correlations. Though any
correlation can be captured by a joint (system and bath) Hamiltonian, an
arbitrary joint Hamiltonian is often intractable. Hence, the joint
Hamiltonian model with pairwise terms was introduced and developed in a
seminal series of papers, Terhal et al. 2005, Aliferis et al. 2005 and
Aharonov et al. 2006. However, the analysis of the new constant overhead
codes in that error model appears quite challenging. In this work, for
modeling correlated errors in quantum memory we introduce a classical
correlation model based on hidden random fields. This proposed model, which
includes stationary and ergodic (non-Markov) error distributions, is shown
to capture correlations not captured by the joint Hamiltonian model with
pairwise terms. On the other hand, we show that for a broad class of
non-Markov and (possibly) non-stationary error distributions within our
proposed model, quantum Tanner codes can ensure an exponential retention
time (in the number of physical qubits), when the error rate is below a
threshold. We also discuss some new insights obtained from the analysis of
the proposed model that are complementary to the pairwise Hamiltonian
This is a joint work with Smita Bagewadi (IIT Madras). (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:30 - 11:59 |
Hui Khoon Ng: Resource cost of noisy quantum computing and more ↓ I will give an overview of the research work in my group [in
collaboration with the groups of A Auffeves (MajuLab, CNRS) and R Whitney
(Grenoble)] in the past few years on the topic of resource costs of doing
quantum computing with noisy components [PRX Quantum 4, 040319 (2023)
and PRX Quantum 2, 040335 (2021)]. I will also touch on an upcoming posting
on the cost of quantum metrology using exotic states. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Quynh Nguyen: Quantum fault tolerance with constant-space and logarithmic-time overheads ↓ In a model of fault-tolerant quantum computation with quick and
noiseless polylog-time classical auxiliary computation, we construct a
quantum fault tolerance protocol with constant-space and $\widetilde{O}(\log
N)$-time overheads. This significantly improves over the previous
state-of-the-art due to Yamasaki and Koashi who achieved constant-space and
quasipolylog-time overhead. Our construction is obtained by using
constant-rate quantum locally testable codes (qLTC) of appropriately chosen
block size and developing new fault-tolerant gadgets on qLTCs and qLDPC
codes. In particular, we obtain the following new technical results: (1)
Magic state distillation protocol with almost-constant spacetime overhead,
(2) Single-shot decoder for quantum codes based on the cubical complex
constructions, including a recent breakthrough almost-c3 qLTC construction
of Dinur-Lin-Vidick, (3) Fault-tolerant universal logical state preparation
with almost-constant spacetime overhead on qLTCs. (4) Resource states to
obtain addressable qLDPC logic that can be easily prepared using our state
preparation schemes. We obtain the mentioned quantum fault tolerance
protocol by combining the above results with carefully chosen parameters. To
our knowledge, this gives the lowest overhead to date in the considered
model of quantum fault tolerance, which we conjecture is optimal, up to
sub-polylog factors.
Joint work with Christopher A. Pattison (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch ↓ Location will be announced at the start of each workshop. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
14:00 - 15:00 | Pavel Panteleev: Tutorial - Error-correction (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Anirudh Krishna: Hierarchical memories: Simulating quantum LDPC codes with local gates ↓ Constant-rate low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are promising candidates for constructing efficient fault-tolerant quantum memories. However, if physical gates are subject to geometric-locality constraints, it becomes challenging to realize these codes. In this paper, we construct a new family of [[N,K,D]] codes, referred to as hierarchical codes, that encode a number of logical qubits K = Omega(N/\log(N)^2). The N-th element of this code family is obtained by concatenating a constant-rate quantum LDPC code with a surface code; nearest-neighbor gates in two dimensions are sufficient to implement the corresponding syndrome-extraction circuit and achieve a threshold. Below threshold the logical failure rate vanishes superpolynomially as a function of the distance D(N). We present a bilayer architecture for implementing the syndrome-extraction circuit, and estimate the logical failure rate for this architecture. Under conservative assumptions, we find that the hierarchical code outperforms the basic encoding where all logical qubits are encoded in the surface code.
This is joint work with Chris Pattison and John Preskill. The talk will be based on arXiv2303.04798. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Alexander Belov: Taming Quantum Time Complexity (part tutorial) ↓ Quantum query complexity has several nice properties with respect to
composition. First, bounded-error quantum query algorithms can be composed
without incurring log factors through error reduction (exactness). Second,
through careful accounting (thriftiness), the total query complexity is
smaller if subroutines are mostly run on cheaper inputs -- a property that
is much less obvious in quantum algorithms than in their classical
While these properties were previously seen through the model of span
programs (alternatively, the dual adversary bound), a recent work by two of
the authors (Belovs, Yolcu 2023) showed how to achieve these benefits
without converting to span programs, by defining quantum Las Vegas query
complexity. Independently, recent works, including by one of the authors
(Jeffery 2022), have worked towards bringing thriftiness to the more
practically significant setting of quantum time complexity.
In this work, we show how to achieve both exactness and thriftiness in the
setting of time complexity. We generalize the quantum subroutine composition
results of Jeffery 2022 so that, in particular, no error reduction is
needed. We give a time complexity version of the well-known result in
quantum query complexity, $Q(f\circ g)=O(Q(f)\cdot Q(g))$, without log
We achieve this by employing a novel approach to the design of quantum
algorithms based on what we call transducers, and which we think is of large
independent interest. While a span program is a completely different
computational model, a transducer is a direct generalisation of a quantum
algorithm, which allows for much greater transparency and control.
Transducers naturally characterize general state conversion, rather than
only decision problems; provide a very simple treatment of other quantum
primitives such as quantum walks; and lend themselves well to time
complexity analysis. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
17:00 - 17:30 | Pavel Panteleev (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
18:00 - 21:30 | Dinner (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
Friday, December 13 | |
07:30 - 09:00 | Breakfast (Hotel Regenta Central - Kafe 24) |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Transport to CMI Institute ↓ Meet at the hotel lobby (Other (See Description)) |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Shantanav Chakraborty: Implementing any Linear Combination of Unitaries on Intermediate-term Quantum Computers ↓ I will talk about some of the new techniques we developed for
implementing any Linear combination of Unitaries (LCU) on intermediate-term
quantum computers. While the standard LCU procedure requires several ancilla
qubits and sophisticated multi-qubit controlled operations, our methods
consume significantly fewer quantum resources.
The first method, known as Single-ancilla LCU, implements any LCU using only
a single ancilla qubit, no multi-qubit controlled logic, and quantum
circuits of shorter depth than the standard method. The key idea is to
substitute complicated controlled operations (in the standard LCU approach)
with importance sampling and make several independent runs of short-depth
quantum circuits to estimate the expectation value of observables vis-à-vis
any state prepared by LCU. We apply this to develop new algorithms for
ground state property estimation, Hamiltonian simulation, and quantum linear
systems that are more amenable to intermediate-term implementation. We
characterize the end-to-end complexities of our algorithms, which,
remarkably in some regimes, have shorter gate depths than even
state-of-the-art methods despite requiring significantly fewer resources.
Time permitting, I will also talk about two other approaches: Analog LCU, a
simple, physically motivated, continuous-time analogue of LCU tailored to
hybrid qubit-qumode systems, and Ancilla-free LCU, which, as the name
suggests, allows for implementing LCU without any ancilla qubits when we are
interested in the projection of a quantum state (prepared by the LCU
procedure) in some subspace of interest. Both these methods also find
applications in different areas.
Overall, our results are pretty generic and can be readily applied to other
problems, even beyond those considered in our work.
Reference: S. Chakraborty, arXiv:2302.13555v4 [] (To appear in
Quantum). (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Amolak Ratan Kalra: Synthesis and Arithmetic of Qutrit Circuits ↓ In this talk I will discuss qutrit circuit synthesis over various families
of universal gate sets. I will describe a method which relates the question
of exact synthesis for both single qubits and single qutrits to the problem
of solving a system of polynomial equations mod p.
This is work done in collaboration with Dinesh Valluri and Michele Mosca. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Hsin-Yuan (Robert) Huang: Quantum Computing Enhanced Sensing ↓ Quantum computing and quantum sensing represent two distinct frontiers of quantum technology. In this work, we harness quantum computing to solve a fundamental and practically important sensing problem: the detection of weak oscillating fields with unknown strength and frequency. We present a quantum computing enhanced sensing protocol that outperforms all existing approaches. Furthermore, we prove our approach is optimal by establishing the Grover-Heisenberg limit --- a fundamental lower bound on the minimum sensing time. The key idea is to robustly digitize the continuous, analog signal into a discrete operation, which is then integrated into a quantum algorithm. Our metrological gain fundamentally requires quantum computation, distinguishing our protocol from conventional sensing approaches. Indeed, we prove that any approach based on quantum Fisher information, finite-lifetime quantum memory, or classical signal processing is strictly less powerful. Our protocol is compatible with multiple experimental platforms. We propose and analyze a proof-of-principle experiment using nitrogen-vacancy centers, where meaningful improvements are achievable using current technology. This work establishes quantum computation as a powerful new resource for advancing sensing capabilities. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
11:30 - 12:00 | Check out by 12pm (Hotel Regenta Central - Front Desk) |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Avantika Agarwal: Oracle Separations for the Quantum-Classical Polynomial Hierarchy ↓ We study the quantum-classical polynomial hierarchy, QCPH, which
is the class of languages solvable by a constant number of alternating
classical quantifiers followed by a quantum verifier. Our main result is
that QCPH is infinite relative to a random oracle (previously, this was not
even known relative to any oracle). We further prove that higher levels of
PH are not contained in lower levels of QCPH relative to a random oracle;
this is a strengthening of the somewhat recent result that PH is infinite
relative to a random oracle (Rossman, Servedio, and Tan 2016). To establish
this, we give a new switching lemma for quantum algorithms which may be of
independent interest. Our lemma says that if we apply a random restriction
to a function f with low quantum query complexity, the restricted function
becomes exponentially close (in terms of depth) to a small depth decision
tree. Our switching lemma works even in a “worst-case” sense, in that only
the indices to be restricted are random; the values they are restricted to
are chosen adversarially. Moreover, the switching lemma also works for
polynomial degree in place of quantum query complexity.
This talk is based on joint work with Shalev Ben-David. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Frederic Magniez: Quantum property testing in sparse directed graphs ↓ We initiate the study of quantum property testing in sparse directed graphs,
and more particularly in the unidirectional model, where the algorithm is
allowed to query only the outgoing edges of a vertex.
In the classical unidirectional model the problem of testing
k-star-freeness, and more generally k-source-subgraph-freeness, is almost
maximally hard for large k. We prove that this problem has almost quadratic
advantage in the quantum setting. Moreover, we prove that this advantage is
nearly tight, by showing a quantum lower bound using the method of dual
polynomials on an intermediate problem for a new, property testing version
of the k-collision problem that was not studied before.
To illustrate that not all problems in graph property testing admit such a
quantum speedup, we consider the problem of 3-colorability in the related
undirected bounded-degree model, when graphs are now undirected. This
problem is maximally hard to test classically, and we show that also
quantumly it requires a linear number of queries. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |
12:30 - 14:00 |
Lunch ↓ Location will be announced at the start of each workshop. (CMI - Lecture Hall 202) |