Algebraic Aspects of Matroid Theory (Cancelled)

Arriving Sunday, March 28 and departing Friday April 2, 2021

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Adiprasito, Karim University of Copenhagen
Ardila, Federico * San Francisco State University
Backman, Spencer University of Vermont
Baker, Matthew Georgia Tech
Bowler, Nathan Universität Hamburg
Braenden, Petter KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Brandt, Madeline Brown University
Cartwright, Dustin University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Denham, Graham University of Western Ontario
Draisma, Jan * University of Bern
Eur, Chris Stanford University
Fink, Alex Queen Mary University of London
Giansiracusa, Noah Bentley University
Huh, June Stanford University
Katz, Eric The Ohio State University
Klivans, Caroline * Brown University
Lopez de Medrano, Lucia Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Lorscheid, Oliver University of Groningen / IMPA
Maclagan, Diane * University of Warwick
Meszaros, Karola * Cornell
Oxley, James * Louisiana State University
Payne, Sam UT Austin
Pendavingh, Rudi Eindhoven University
Proudfoot, Nicholas University of Oregon
Rau, Johannes Universidad de los Andes
Reiner, Victor University of Minnesota
Rincón, Felipe Queen Mary University of London
Schroeter, Benjamin Goethe University Frankfurt
Shaw, Kris University of Oslo
Speyer, David * University of Michigan
Vinzant, Cynthia * University of Washington
Wang, Botong University of Wisconsin-Madison
Whittle, Geoff * Victoria University of Wellington
Williams, Lauren Harvard
Yu, Josephine * Georgia Tech
Yuen, Chi Ho Brown University
Zhang, Tianyi Georgia Institute of Technology

* This participant has indicated that they might be coming.