Geometry via Arithmetic (Online)

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, SUNY Stony Brook
- 09:48
From geometry to arithmetic to geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202107120902-Starr.mp4 (63M)
, Universitat Mainz
- 10:50
Rational points on ramified covers of abelian varieties
Watch video | Download video: 202107121002-Javanpeykar.mp4 (63M)
, University of Chicago
- 08:21
Rigidity of moduli spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202107130731-Farb.mp4 (111M)
, Princeton University
- 09:19
Hyperbolicity of varieties of log general type
Watch video | Download video: 202107130831-Ascher.mp4 (63M)
, University of Versailles
- 10:20
Effective cones of moduli spaces of stable curves and blown-up toric surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202107130933-Castravet.mp4 (60M)
, IST Austria
- 08:23
Zeta statistics
Watch video | Download video: 202107140731-Bilu.mp4 (75M)
, University of Grenoble
- 08:28
Distribution of rational curves
Watch video | Download video: 202107150738-Peyre.mp4 (78M)
, University of Leiden
- 10:21
Counting points in function fields
Watch video | Download video: 202107150933-Manzateanu.mp4 (60M)
, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
- 09:18
GCD results for certain divisibility sequences of polynomials and a conjecture of Silverman
Watch video | Download video: 202107160832-Capuano.mp4 (91M)
, Columbia University
- 10:17
The Geometric Manin's Conjectures
Watch video | Download video: 202107160932-Sawin.mp4 (68M)