Participant Testimonials
Wonderful survey of current activity in the field. Made an impression on me that the field is live and well, with recent progress and many open problems.
Computer Science, Technion
The quality of this workshop was well above expectation. Many great results, already published or in progress, were presented. I got great insight even about the ones I'd read already, and several research directions opened up.
I found everything perfect: organization, accommodation and the lecture room. I was impressed by the system of recording lectures - it is simple to operate and works perfectly. I enjoyed this workshop very much.
The talks at the workshop gave a panoptic view of current research in my area. I heard about several interesting new research results, and had many useful conversations. I had met most of the researchers at the workshop before, but it was good to renew contact with them. Several collaborators of mine were at the workshop, and I made progress on multiple projects.
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
My participation in the BIRS workshop gave me a chance to learn about the latest results in my area of research. The close contact with the researchers inspired me with new ideas and motivated me to continue working on some open questions.