Biological Active Porous Materials: Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation (Cancelled)
Arriving Sunday, October 4 and departing Friday October 9, 2020
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Adler, James | Tufts University |
Ambrosi, Davide | Politecnico di Torino |
Ates, Filiz | University of Stuttgart |
Bleiler, Christian | University of Stuttgart |
Böl, Markus | University Braunschweig |
Boon, Wietse | KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Dorfmann, Luis | Tufts University |
Gilchrist, Michael | University College Dublin |
Hill, Nicholas | University of Glasgow |
Hu, Xiaozhe | Tufts University |
Javierre, Etelvina | Centro Universitario de la Defensa - Academia General Militar |
Klawonn, Axel | University of Cologne - Centre for Data and Simulation Science |
Lejeune, Emma | Boston University |
Leronni, Alessandro | University of Brescia |
Liu, Chun | Illinois Institute of Technology |
Luo, Xiaoyu | University of Glasgow |
MacLachlan, Scott | Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Nardinocchi, Paola | University of Rome - Department of Civil Engineering |
Nash, Martyn | University of Auckland - Auckland Bioengineering Institute |
Nigam, Nilima | Simon Fraser University |
Ponte Castañeda, Pedro | University of Pennsylvania |
Purohit, Prashant | University of Pennsylvania |
Quaife, Bryan | Florida State University |
Ricken, Tim | University of Stuttgart - Institute of Mechanics |
Röhrle, Oliver | University of Stuttgart |
Ross, Stephanie | Simon Fraser University |
Salinas Blemker, Silvia | University of Virginia |
Spagnolie, Saverio | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Teresi, Luciano | University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy |
Tomalka, André | University of Stuttgart - Institute of Movement Science |
Young, Yuan-Nan | NJIT |
Zikatanov, Ludmil | The Pennsylvania State University |