Groups and Geometries

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, Universite Paris 13
- 09:52
Automorphisms of fusion and linking systems of finite groups of Lie type
Watch video | Download video: 201505040856-Oliver.mp4 (262M)
, University of Western Australia
- 10:32
Classifying the finite 3/2-transitive permutation groups
Watch video | Download video: 201505041002-Praeger.mp4 (121M)
, Ben Gurion University
- 15:50
A non-split sharply 2-transitive group
Watch video | Download video: 201505051501-Segev.mp4 (181M)
, Ghent University
- 16:34
Groups of mixed type in the Freudenthal-Tits Magic Square
Watch video | Download video: 201505051601-vanMaldeghem.mp4 (131M)
, National University of Ireland, Galway
- 17:32
Cohomology of fusion systems
Watch video | Download video: 201505051700-Park.mp4 (124M)
, The Ohio State University
- 18:14
Recognizing abelian and nilpotent Hall subgroups from the character table
Watch video | Download video: 201505051741-Solomon.mp4 (137M)
, University of Birmingham
- 10:32
Maximal subgroups of exceptional groups of Lie type
Watch video | Download video: 201505061001-Craven.mp4 (120M)
, University of Primorska
- 11:31
Locally semiprimitive arc-transitive graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201505061101-Morgan.mp4 (117M)
, University of Auckland
- 12:10
Small maximal independent sets
Watch video | Download video: 201505061141-Schillewaert.mp4 (95M)
, Ghent University
- 09:47
Jordan algebras and 3-transposition groups
Watch video | Download video: 201505070900-deMedts.mp4 (196M)
, Eindhoven
- 10:30
Lie algebras generated by extremal elements
Watch video | Download video: 201505071001-Cohen.mp4 (84M)
, University of Cambridge
- 17:40
Maximal subalgebras of the exceptional Lie algebras in good characteristic
Watch video | Download video: 201505071705-Stewart.mp4 (145M)
, University of South Wales
- 18:21
Constructing groupoids using designs
Watch video | Download video: 201505071749-Gill.mp4 (97M)
, Kansas State University
- 09:52
Locally grouped spaces
Watch video | Download video: 201505080901-Chermak.mp4 (205M)
, University of Birmingham
- 10:59
Axial algebras and groups of 3-transpositions
Watch video | Download video: 201505081005-Shpectorov.mp4 (228M)