The Use of Linear Algebraic Groups in Geometry and Number Theory

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of California at Los Angeles
- 10:04
Suslin’s Conjecture on the reduced Whitehead group of a simple algebra
Watch video | Download video: 201509140858-Merkurjev.mp4 (279M)
- 10:52
Semi-decomposable invariants of degree 3
Watch video | Download video: 201509141022-Baek.mp4 (133M)
, University of Ottawa
- 11:30
Cohomological Invariants for stacks of algebraic curves
Watch video | Download video: 201509141059-Pirisi.mp4 (71M)
, University of Alberta
- 14:25
Algebraic groups and their maximal tori
Watch video | Download video: 201509141330-Chernousov.mp4 (253M)
, Michigan State University
- 15:15
Division algebras with the same maximal subfields
Watch video | Download video: 201509141441-Rapinchuk.mp4 (102M)
, Yale University
- 10:56
Algebras of composite degree split by genus one curves
Watch video | Download video: 201509151021-Auel.mp4 (135M)
, Lancaster University
- 11:38
Reducing E7 and the slice method
Watch video | Download video: 201509151105-MacDonald.mp4 (154M)
, Emory University
- 14:25
Rost invariant over function fields of p-adic curves
Watch video | Download video: 201509151330-Suresh.mp4 (225M)
, Emory University
- 15:13
Reduced Whitehead groups of division algebras over function fields of p-adic curves
Watch video | Download video: 201509151440-Bhaskhar.mp4 (126M)
, University of Pennsylvania
- 16:38
Obstructions to Local-Global Principles for Linear Algebraic Groups
Watch video | Download video: 201509151532-Hartmann.mp4 (294M)
- 17:18
Simple algebraic groups and structurable algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201509151643-Stavrova.mp4 (98M)
, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- 17:59
Pairs of quadratic forms in characteristic 2
Watch video | Download video: 201509151725-Duncan.mp4 (128M)
, Institut Fourier
- 09:58
Realizing algebraic groups as automorphism groups
Watch video | Download video: 201509160900-Brion.mp4 (238M)
, University of Alberta
- 10:53
Equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties
Watch video | Download video: 201509161021-Zhong.mp4 (93M)
, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
- 14:35
Simple algebras and algebraic groups
Watch video | Download video: 201509161331-Popov.mp4 (261M)
, University of Milano-Bicocca
- 15:12
Finite group actions on the affine space
Watch video | Download video: 201509161442-Haution.mp4 (116M)
, University of Utah
- 16:37
Twisted Bhargava Cubes
Watch video | Download video: 201509161531-Savin.mp4 (251M)
, Northwestern University
- 17:15
Prime decompositions in period-index problems via representation theory
Watch video | Download video: 201509161641-Antieau.mp4 (148M)
, Universität Duisburg-Essen
- 10:07
On the geometric part of some oriented motivic theories
Watch video | Download video: 201509170900-Levine.mp4 (256M)
- 10:52
The topological index of period-2 Brauer classes
Watch video | Download video: 201509171021-Williams.mp4 (135M)
, Steklov Math Institute at St. Petersburg - Russia
- 12:03
A purity theorem
Watch video | Download video: 201509171101-Panin.mp4 (220M)
, University of Pennsylvania
- 10:04
The Clifford algebra of a finite morphism of schemes
Watch video | Download video: 201509180900-Krashen.mp4 (268M)
, University of Alberta
- 11:20
On 16-dimensional quadratic forms in I3
Watch video | Download video: 201509181021-Karpenko.mp4 (259M)