Ted Lewis Math Fair Workshop 2015

Arriving Friday, April 24 and departing Sunday April 26, 2015

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Armstrong, Maura Telus World of Science Edmonton
Bedard, Jaclyn teacher Edmonton Catholic
Congdon, Sarah Teacher Edmonton Catholic
Dahl, Tiffany teacher Calgary Board of Education
Graves, Sean University of Alberta
Hildebrandt, Maxine Mother Earth's Children's Charter School
Hoffman, Janice Edmonton Public Schools
Hohn, Tiina SNAP Mathematics Foundation
Kotyk, Nicole Evergreen Elementary School
Lewis, Ted SNAP Mathematics Foundation
Locke, Jennifer teacher Calgary Board of Education
Lorway, Geri Thinking 101
Manz, Kirsten student teacher UofA
Olsen, Shelby Education student University of Alberta
Ottaway, Paul Capilano University
Pasanen, Trevor University of Alberta
Schmidt, Hilary student teacher UofA
Simmons, Brian Calgary Board of Education
Simmons, Sarah Calgary board of education
Summers, Ashley Teacher (Calgary)
Tahmasebi, Nazanin University of Alberta