Computational Geometry

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, Durham University
- 10:03
Tropical homotopies served two ways in OSCAR
Watch video | Download video: 202406240903-Ren.mp4 (187M)
, Imperial College London
- 11:34
Machine learning detects terminal singularities
Watch video | Download video: 202406241034-Veneziale.mp4 (203M)
, Bristol
- 15:11
Reduction types of algebraic curves
Watch video | Download video: 202406241411-Dokchitser.mp4 (79M)
- 11:31
Finite Groups and K3 surfaces in the LMFDB
Watch video | Download video: 202406251030-Roe.mp4 (212M)
, Dartmouth College
- 14:02
Future of parallel computation and Magma
Watch video | Download video: 202406251300-Voight.mp4 (111M)
, Simon Fraser Univeristy
- 16:47
Tools for rigorous computation on algebraic Riemann surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202406251541-Bruin.mp4 (181M)
, Oldenburg
- 09:57
Exploiting natural parallelism in algebraic geometric structures
Watch video | Download video: 202406260903-Fruhbis-Kruger.mp4 (78M)
, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 11:33
On the hunt for an Enriques Surface automorphism with minimal entropy
Watch video | Download video: 202406261034-Zach.mp4 (193M)
, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 10:02
Galois groups of purely lacunary polynomial systems
Watch video | Download video: 202406270901-Yahl.mp4 (182M)
, Texas A&M University
- 11:33
Frontiers of Arithmetic in Enumerative Geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202406271032-Sottile.mp4 (324M)
, University of Western Ontario
- 13:57
Monodromy Coordinates - An iterator for large solution sets to polynomial systems
Watch video | Download video: 202406271307-Brysiewicz.mp4 (145M)
, Notre Dame
- 09:43
Multigraded Implicitization
Watch video | Download video: 202406280859-Cummings.mp4 (122M)
, Technical University Darmstadt
- 11:31
polyDB: A Database for Discrete Geometric Objects
Watch video | Download video: 202406281030-Paffenholz.mp4 (161M)